Al-Abbas Holy Shrine organizes webinar on the prophecies in the Holy Quran

A webinar featuring prophecies in the Quran and their historical function during the prophetic mission was organized by the Department of Cultural Affairs at al-Abbas Holy Shrine in Karbala, Iraq.

Ammar Nasar, professor at the University of Kufa and Dawoud Al-Zubaidi, member of the center, were respectively the speaker and moderator at the webinar held via Zoom.

The event highlighted the miraculous aspects of the Holy Quran.

In many parts of the Quran, prophecies are made concerning future events. Many of the prophecies are viewed as having metaphoric meanings, while others are taken more literally.

The Holy Quran predicted the defeat of the Persians by the Romans and also several verses in the Quran are believed to describe miracles such as the splitting of the moon, and assistance of angels given to Muslims at the Battle of Badr.