Imam Hussain Holy Shrine renovates a scientific and cultural library in Wasit

The Department of Intellectual and Cultural Affairs at Imam Hussain Holy Shrine announced the renovation of a scientific and cultural library in the Al-Sowaira District of Wasit Province to create a suitable atmosphere for students and researchers.

The librarian of the Imam Hussain Holy Shrine Library, Sheikh Ali Al-Majidi, said in a statement to the International Media Center, "The engineering and technical staffs at the Holy Shrine renovated the library in Wasit Province, after it became a scientific and cultural center visited by the university students and students of religious sciences," explaining that "the library is characterized by a large number of resources and contains numerous scientific, cultural, religious and historical titles.”

Al-Majidi explained, "The library building contains several halls, the first of which is dedicated to the paper library, the other to the digital library for men, and a paper and electronic library for women, in addition to a prayer hall and a conference hall."


Emad Bao