Imam Hussain Holy Shrine continues to complete the homeless shelter project in Karbala

The Strategic Projects Department of Imam Hussain Holy Shrine is continuing the construction works at the homeless shelter project in Karbala.

Sajjad Abdul-Amir, the project’s supervising engineer, said in a statement to the International Media Center that “the construction works at the project are being implemented under the supervision of the department and in cooperation with the Marmara Arras Company.”

The project has a total land area of ​​7,248 square meters, while the construction area of ​​the project is 13,000 square meters. The project will include homeless shelters for males and females and consists of the main six-floor building that includes patient examination rooms, sleeping rooms, pharmacy, computer laboratories, restaurant, prayer hall and education halls."

The project is one of the important service projects implemented by the Imam Hussain Holy Shrine, and it was designed according to the latest approved specifications to embrace the homeless men and women in the city.


Amir al-Mousawi