What did the Imam Hussain Holy Shrine offer to the Arbaeen pilgrims this year?

The General Secretariat of the Imam Hussain Holy Shrine announced the success of its plan to revive the ceremonies of the Arbaeen Pilgrimage for 1444 AH - 2022, extending its thanks to the parties that contributed to the success of the massive event.

The Holy Shrine mobilized all available efforts by all departments and centers associated with it, to serve the pilgrims in all aspects, in addition to providing guidance and religious, cultural and intellectual awareness, as well as transportation inside and outside the holy city of Karbala, for more than two weeks.

The following report highlights the services provided by the Imam Hussain Holy Shrine to pilgrims:


  • Various medical and health services for 1,348,632 pilgrims.
  • 140 advanced cameras operated around the clock to secure the movement of pilgrims in the City of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) for Pilgrims.
  • Fixed and mobile medical units received more than 4,500 patients per day from the Arbaeen pilgrims.
  • More than 800 Arab and foreign processions participated in the ceremony.
  • 7000 volunteers provided services to the pilgrims.
  • 1800 camera were installed to secure the pilgrimage.
  • 500 media outlets from 15 countries were hosted.
  • 1200 journalists covering the pilgrimage were hosted.
  • Medical services provided for 1,200,000 pilgrims through six hospitals, 20 mobile medical units, and 3000 doctors, nurses and volunteers.
  • 12,500 processions, including 300 Arab and foreign, participated in the pilgrimage.
  • More than five million meals were provided by the Refectory (Mudheef) of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) to the pilgrims.
  • Major operations were performed free of charge for pilgrims.
  • The Health Authority of Imam Hussain Holy Shrine provided free medical services to 1.3 million pilgrims at a cost of 3 billion dinars.
  • Installing and operating central cooling units in the holy courtyard with a capacity of 900 tons.
  • The participation of 1,000 volunteers from the Wareth Scouts to provide the best services to the pilgrims.
  • Al-Zahra University's first international forum provided various services to the Arbaeen pilgrims.
  • Pavilions were installed on the pilgrims’ road for religious and jurisprudential guidance.

Source: Official website of Imam Hussain Holy Shrine